This email A/B significance test will let you know which version of your email A/B test is the most performant - and on which metrics. Plus, we'll display which recommandations you can take.
Access it here :
It's locked by default - to use it, copy in into your drive to make the changes in the blank cells.
Input raw data of your email campaign : amount of recipients per variant, amount of opens, amount of clicks and amount of conversions. The calculator will provide you with all the useful data you need to collect, especially my favourite for this kind of test : the open to click email. That's the ratio of recipients who clicked the email after opening it - it's more relevant in these A/B testing cases because it allow you to compare the content of your email, independently of the open rate.
It allows you, for each campaign, to test both variables for the open rate (sending time, sender, subject, etc.) and variables for the click rate (raw content, copywriting, CTA, etc.) - therefore to test things faster - and that's useful!
This significance test, by default, is two-sided. It will tell you which metrics score tests are relevant. And then, how to use it:
On top of that, this significance test will output a summary of your scores. It will display which variant has the best open rate capability, the best content inside in the email to maximise clicks and - overall - which versions is the more likely to drive conversions.
Spam? Junk mail? Special offer? Unsubscribes? Hard Bounce? Open rate at 14%?
Even when there’s none left, there are still some more
Measure what matters - the rest doesn’t count.
I'm sharing here a proven tactic that drive results to get back at least 25% of your lost checkouts, while the e-commerce average is around 8%.
Launching an ecommerce store? You have everything ready, your products, your website, your design - even your analytics? Yupee !But how about your CRM ? In this article, we'll review a simple go-to plan you can start with today to extend your CRM capabilities. Let's dive in!
This calculator will let you know which budget you'll need on Facebook - and if your ads are profitable.
The perennial, ever-so-sticky question: How much does an e-commerce website cost? The answers will vary. Also, the answer you don’t like: It depends.
Personalizing your eCommerce site is a great way to improve conversion rates.
Learn how to create FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for eCommerce and you’d not only do a service for your potential customers but also save time answering questions (on live chat, email, phone, or otherwise).
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key to getting your website found and for you to take advantage of the phenomenal use of search engines as the starting point for most users’ journey on the web -- to find answers, to look for information, to compare product A with product B, to look for solutions, to find local stores or merchants, and also to buy.
As far as proven eCommerce marketing strategies go, while we use the word “try” in the title, what we really mean is that you “should”. By the end of 2022, global eCommerce will be worth a whopping $5.55 Trillion. By 2023, eCommerce is going to be worth $6.17 Trillion. If anything, eCommerce is only going to get bigger and is a viable opportunity for any eCommerce brand.
Landing pages -- unlike regular pages -- help convert better. Use them generously for all campaigns. eCommerce conversions -- along with sign ups with tracking pixels happen on landing pages. Sales happen on eCommerce product pages. All of this is tracked.
One way to challenge big brands is to leverage data. Which data? Yours
To help boost your Shopify store conversion rates, you’ll need a holistic approach.
What do customers want to see? Truth is, it really depends on what you offer and how you want to brand your business. Overall, here are the things that we highly suggest you consider when writing your newsletter.
How to increase click rate on emails? This is a very tricky question because it always depends on a lot of stuff and by a lot we mean — A LOT. So, we suggest to actually follow this checklist that we have formulated to help you get a bigger picture of what should be done.