The Perfect Product Page Structure for Your Ecommerce Store

What is the most important page on your eCommerce store? No, it is not the homepage. The product page is the backbone of your eCommerce website that generates conversions and sales. A well-structured and creatively designed product page with a focus on UX makes it appealing yet user-friendly. 

You need to invest most of the time in tweaking, designing, coding, and experimenting with the product pages on your store.


Because these are the most crucial pages of your eCommerce store. A product page makes or breaks the deal. This is the page where conversion takes place.

You can’t take the product page structure lightly.

What exactly a decent, high-converting, SEO-friendly, and well-structured product page looks like? Let’s find out…

The Perfect Product Page Structure

Your eCommerce product page needs the must-have elements. Certain elements are necessary for a product page and these include:

  1. Product images
  2. Product details and description
  3. Social proof
  4. Product suggestions

Let’s dig deep and explore each element in detail:

1. Product Images

Product images are the most essential structural element of your eCommerce page. Consumers only have images to see the product and get an idea of its features and physical characteristics. This is a reason 33.16% of consumers want to see several product photos while 60% prefer seeing 360-degree product photos.

Adding relevant and high-quality product images is essential as it makes it easier for your target audience to get a feel for the product. The biggest problem with online buyers is that they can’t feel, touch, or try a product:

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More than 50% of consumers think that a quality photo is more important than a product description. This clearly defines buyer preference: They want to see product images more than anything else.

Take a look at the product page by Master & Dynamic to get an idea of how product images persuade you to scroll and buy their headphones:

A close-up of some headphonesDescription automatically generated with low confidence

Follow these best practices to create awesome product images for your store:

  • Have a featured product image for each product page that must be an eye-catching, full-width, and high-resolution closeup image of your product.
  • Add multiple product images to showcase your product from all angles.
  • Add 360-degree photos of your product.
  • Keep product photos consistent which means all the images must be captured in the same format, style, and conditions.
  • Images must be high resolution so that consumers can zoom in to check minute details.
  • Add a descriptive image title and alt text to ensure proper SEO.

2. Product Description and Details

Product images aren’t enough to create a stunning product page for your eCommerce store. Product details and description are equally important. Product description plays a direct role in sales. So, you need to make sure you are making the most out of it.

A product description and information include all of the following:

  1. Product title
  2. Price
  3. Product information
  4. Features
  5. Customization options
  6. Call to action

Here is an example of a perfectly written product description:

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

The KONG has a perfect product title, highlighted price, detailed product description, features converted into benefits, customization options, and a prominent CTA.

These guys have converted features into benefits that address buyer pain points:

A picture containing text, indoor, screenshotDescription automatically generated

Follow these tips and techniques to write killer product descriptions:

  • Write a catchy product title.
  • Highlight product price and mention any discount and sales clearly.
  • Describe the product in detail. Distribute content into different subheadings and bullets.
  • Focus on product benefits instead of features.
  • Address buyer pain points and mention how your product solves their problems.
  • Use storytelling, emotional hooks, and power words to make product description persuasive.
  • Offer customization options and explain all the available options in the product description preferably with images.
  • The product description must be unique for all the products. Even if products are related, they must have unique descriptions. 
  • Make CTA prominent with the help of contrasting colors.

3. Social Proof

Yes, social proof is a key element on your product page. Social proof (such as product reviews) is 12x more trusted than the product description. This is a reason why you'll rarely see a product page without reviews and testimonials.

Check out Amazon. It shows an average rating right below the product title:

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

Then it has detailed reviews and ratings on each product page that users can filter easily with a few clicks:

Graphical user interface, application, websiteDescription automatically generated

Statistics show that an average consumer reads 10 online reviews before making a purchase and 88% of consumers trust these reviews more than personal recommendations.

You can add these types of social proof on a product page:

  • Reviews and ratings
  • Customer testimonials
  • Celebrity and expert endorsements
  • Third-party ratings and awards.

Adding social proof is a must for your product page as it is now an industry standard.

4. Product Suggestions

A perfect product page structure must include suggested or recommended products. This is the best way to promote cross-sells, up-sells, and down-sells on your product page.

Here is an example from United by Blue that shows recommended products right below product images to encourage visitors to switch to a related product if they didn’t like the one they're viewing:

Graphical user interface, websiteDescription automatically generated

Amazon takes product suggestions a step further by showing you a comparison chart with similar products:

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This is a perfect way to promote related products without getting pushy.

When suggesting related products on a product page, the most important feature is personalization. Avoid recommending products randomly rather these must be personalized. For example, you can suggest products based on visitor’s search history or related products that customers also viewed.

Personalization is the key when recommending a product. Else, it might backfire.

Final Words

So, your product page must have the following elements to maintain a killer structure:

  1. A featured product image
  2. Product title
  3. Product images
  4. Price, customization options, and CTA
  5. Product description
  6. Social proof
  7. Product suggestions.

Of course, this isn’t final.

You need to test and tweak to find the best structure for your store. Conversion rate optimization is the key to success with product page optimization. Don’t expect success overnight. You might have to tweak your product page several times before you find the perfect structure and design that converts exceptionally well.

Get started today with this layout and see how it goes for you.

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