Top 10 Direct-to-Consumer Brands you need to benchmark your product page

Showcasing your products the right way is highly significant in any business. As we’ve mentioned in a previous article, presenting your products on your e-shop is just like visual merchandising in a physical store. It is crucial to your business’ growth, as it directly affects your conversion rate especially those people who would add your items to their cart and progress onto your funnel. 

So in developing your online store’s product page, try asking yourself these questions: ‘What are the things that I should consider in terms of design and structure?’ ‘How should I present my product range?’ ‘What are the details that my customers are looking for?’ ‘What does it take for them to purchase?’

We know that it can be stressful but the best way to go is by doing benchmarks! 

“But with what brands?” 

With the top 10 Direct-to-Consumer brands that we’ve reviewed and was able to gather all the juicy details you need in setting up your e-shop’s product page! Whether you are an entrepreneur in beauty, fashion, lifestyle, or food & wine — we got you covered. Check out our list below to find your perfect match:

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With a big competition out there in a highly saturated beauty market, how can you showcase your products and increase your website’s conversion rate? Here are some benchmarks to check out:

  1. Glossier

Glossier is one of favorite brands as a benchmark because it resonates with today’s digitally native market. When it comes to their products page, we love how everything is categorized according to product type and product use. For brands that offer a wider range of products, this is the best way to go when presenting you merchandise. 

Another thing that we love about Glossier is when you hover your cursor over the navbar, you can already see the featured products that you might be looking for. This is what beauty consumers want to see, something that is straight to the point and convenient for them. 

When you go directly to a certain product, we also love how they already summarize the information that beauty consumers need when it comes to skincare and make-up. Aside from the fact that being informative is good, it also speeds up the journey of the consumer in your e-shop and this will entice them to purchase right away.

  1. Iconic London

Iconic London is one of today’s beauty brands that Hollywood celebrities and top models swear by. With that, it is very important to showcase your products in a manner that will entice the massive following of these personalities to purchase your product. 

Just like Glossier, Iconic London already categorizes and summarizes the information needed by the customers right then and there. For make-up products that have a wide color range, we love how Iconic London placed colored-shimmer buttons to help customers choose the right color for them. Today, it is very important for customers to visualize what you are trying to sell them, especially if they can’t go to a store due to the pandemic. So if you happen to have a huge color range, try making these buttons on your product page!

See how they position the color palette options in both desktop and mobile versions:

Lastly, product usage is super important to showcase especially in beauty products. Try creating videos on “How to use” your products and link them in the product page. This is also a good way to redirect your customers on your other platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, or Instagram. 

See how they incorporate the usage instructions video on both desktop and mobile versions:

  1. Nidē.Co 

Nidē.co is a fast-growing French skincare brand that has built a strong following for its star products such as Fesse Time, Happy Hours, and Oh My Periods, as well as its unique business model where they allow their community to vote for products they’d like to produce next. 

Nidē.co’s website is actually one of our projects and we are proud to showcase its fun, informative, and very easy to navigate landing pages. We love how you can see all the information you need about the ingredients, what their founder has to say, and as you can see — it’s all very visual too! 

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  1. Native

Native is one of those unisex body care brands that we love because they were able to translate their brand identity through a functional website. We love how customers can easily customize their chosen products from the scent to their delivery options. We also really like how they showcase the information about them being an eco-friendly brand. 

Native would be the perfect benchmark for beauty brands that cater to all genders. 


Due to the pandemic, just like beauty products it has been difficult to purchase clothing without actually seeing how it looks in person and how well it fits you. If you are one of the struggling fashion retailers, here are some benchmarks to check out and see how are they solving these problems from a digital standpoint: 

  1. End clothing

UK’s End Clothing is one of the most popular Direct-to-consumer brands not only for what they sell but also for how convenient their website is for consumers. Probably one of the top concerns  is the sizing of a specific item and how can they virtually assist their customers, right? 

End Clothing provides every single detail you need on their products page, even the size and height of the model, so customers will have a full picture of the item without having to see it in person. 

  1. Skims

Since Kim Kardashian’s ‘Skims’ aims to provide solutions for every body type, it’s crucial for her customers to visualize what they are getting online. Just like End Clothing, Skims provides a detailed description about the products most especially when it comes to sizing. Interestingly, Skims showcases this by having a “See in your size” feature where customers can picture how a certain item would look like on them by using models that vary in shapes and sizes. 


Lifestyle brands and products are also getting a lot of attention nowadays because of the increasing interest of people over selfcare. You’re probably one of those new entrepreneurs in this business so here are the benchmarks that you can use when setting up your product page.

  1. Casper

Casper is one of the brands that offer lifestyle products such as pillows, mattresses, beddings, and more. As plain and simple as it seems, these are important items that people spend money for because they need long-lasting quality products they can use at home. Therefore, credibility is an essential detail to highlight in your product page. Aside from the description, Casper showcases brief yet concise details that could convince your target audience to purchase such as the example below. 

  1. Warby Parker 

In another different type of lifestyle products, we have Warby Parker — an eyewear brand that offers their online customers a unique way to sell their products. Just like clothing and make-up, it can be difficult to sell your items without having to try them in person. Warby Parker offers digital tools on their product page to see how well a certain item fits a customer.

First, is they have this online quiz to assist clients with picking the right frame for them.

Followed by that, they also have a “Home Try-on” feature in the products page to help the customers gauge the right size frame for them. 


Of course, we’re not forgetting the common thing that everyone loves — food and wine. A lot of start-ups right now venture on this business because almost everyone loves them but if it’s through an online platform, what are the best ways to present your merchandise? Check these benchmarks below. 

  1. Menada Winery 

Aside from it’s beautifully designed website, we love how Menada Winery showcases the details and tasting notes that wine lovers need to know in a brief and concise manner. For start-up businesses venturing in this business, Menada Winery is a good benchmark to see how you can showcase all the details of your bottles in a quick and understandable way. 

  1. Fromages

Fromages is a popular cheese retailer and their product pages offer you with all the info you need from the history of a certain cheese, it’s origins, tasting notes and all the way to the specific nutritional details. For online food retailers whether it is cheese, canned goods, baked sweets, or even perishables, it is essential to showcase these details on your product page and you’ll not only gain sales but also win your customers’ trust and loyalty. 


So to give you a full picture, not everything will work for your business. It always depends on what kind of products/ services you sell, your product range, and your target market. It’s best to always A/B test which one works best for you. However, we’ve rounded up a checklist that should keep in mind for your product page regardless of the other factors that must be considered:

  1. Keep your description brief but concise. If more information is needed, you can always go for an expandable link.
  2. Use icons, emojis, or images to summarize other information and details.
  3. Always and always include your reviews and make sure you show your ★★★★★
  4. Make sure to always keep the ‘Delivery & Returns’ link beside your add to cart button. 
  5. Use this page to showcase your other products or services related to product/ service being viewed. 
  6. Be creative! Customers give a very high regard to a website’s visuals. It resonates to your brand identity so make sure to stand out!

What type of business are you into and did you like our benchmarks? Let us know and if you need any help, don’t hesitate to schedule a call with us and let’s help you grow your business!

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