How to Use Pinterest To Promote Your eCommerce Store

“It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone” ~ Hans F. Hansen

If you thought Pinterest was a platform just for click-happy pin hoarders full of happy visualizers, you are missing out on a boatload of potential customers for your eCommerce store. 

Pinterest is the 14th largest social media network in the world (ahead of Twitter, but relatively smaller than Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and the other social media behemoths). 

 Image Credit: HootSuite

Don’t let the relatively smaller size of Pinterest fool you though: Pinterest has a thriving and global community of visually-inclined users and has more than 459 million users. More than 77.1% of Pinterest users are women (with men joining the fray fast enough). 

Women, by the way, make 70-80% of all the consumer purchase decisions.. 

More than 94% of women (aged between 15-34) spend more than an hour per day shopping online. 

More than 82% of people use Pinterest on Mobile and users watch at least 1 billion videos on Pinterest (even if this trend is just catching on).

Clearly, Pinterest has potential. 

Why should you care about Pinterest at all? 

What makes it a great platform to promote your eCommerce business? 

Let’s dig in. 

Pinterest for eCommerce: the marriage made in heaven

Some social platforms are natural heaven for eCommerce; Pinterest is one of them. 

Pinterest is all about ideas, inspirations, and collections -- curated as pins, sorted into boards. 

Image Credit:

When you create a Pin on Pinterest, you are basically giving birth to an idea or sharing the idea. Plus, allowing viewers to be inspired by your content: the behavior you should expect is people willing to repin (ie. bookmark) your content so they can refer to it later.

Products are discovered, shared, mentioned, and talked about. 

On top of that, Pinterest boards are also searchable. Pinterest then works as a visual search engine. 

There are three ways to search on Pinterest: Search with keywords, search with related visuals, and browse through recommendations. 

Ensure your Pin is SEO-optimized every time and that its design fits with what they're already seeing on the platform.

According to Pinterest, Pinners are open to discovering new products and ideas. Almost 9 in 10 people use Pinterest for purchase inspiration. 

More than 98% of people polled by the company say they try new things based on what they find.

At least 85% of Pinners say they use Pinterest to plan new projects. While people use Pinterest in different ways, a significant percentage of Pinners are planners.

Often, people come to the platform when they are in the early stages of a project or purchase decision.

Users on Pinterest aren’t just thinking, ruminating, planning, and dreaming. They are actively shopping as well. 

According to Pinterest, between January and August 2020, there was a 300% increase in add-to-cart and checkout attributed conversions.

Image Credit: Pinterest, Pinterest internal data, US, February-March 2020. 

Catering to this new demand, Pinterest now has several features that made it easier to shop on the platform.

Curious? Here are some of the new features Pinterest rolled out: 

Pinterest Boards are the new shopping shelves: If a Pinterest user heads out to their favorite board (say home decor ideas or terrace garden ideas), they’ll now see a “shop” tab that shows products from or inspired by the Pins on their board. Much like a ready-made shopping list, Pinners will see in-stock products based on what they’ve been saving for a room or look. 

Shop on search & Shop from Pins: Along with price and brand filters, In-stock products from a range of retailers will now appear when you search on Pinterest. If you search for terms such as “Winter fashion outfits” or “office decor”, you are bound to find shopping tabs for related items (if they are in stock). Pins have been redesigned in a way that you can shop from right inside the pin. Just click “shop similar” to see related in-stock products

Say hello to style guides: Remember we wrote (above) that Pinterest is like a visual idea-board for planners? Planning anything from Christmas decor to Thanksgiving; from fashion ideas to Kitchen remodeling, Pinterest is where earnest planners are. Now, Pinterest added a new feature called “Style Guides” where Pinterest recommends more products (grouped into related categories) for specific searches such as “living room ideas” or “small bedroom makeover”. According to Pinterest, searching for home-related terms like “living room ideas”, browsable style guides will appear for home ideas in popular styles like mid-century, contemporary and rustic.

More places for Ads to Show up: Pinterest, apart from launching a new “verified Merchant Program” is also working on ways for retailers or eCommerce stores to insert ads across three of their most highly trafficked and visible places to shop: Lens search in Pins, the shop tab in search, and shopping on Pins (coming soon). 

Image Credit: Pinterest

It’s a good time to reach all those planners, hoarders, idea seekers, and potential shoppers.

Since you’ll do it visually, you can take the game up several notches. 

For your eCommerce store, as far as Pinterest is concerned, you are sitting on a goldmine. 

Pinterest Boards: Planners & Hoarders Collective Inspiration Leads To eCommerce 

For eCommerce, Pinterest is the holy grail: Pinterest is like an idea board for planners. 

Planning for something is usually a series of purchases for things. 

Pinterest is also a “happy medium”. A Morning Consult and Pinterest survey reveals that 90% of people polled went so far as to call Pinterest “an online oasis.” 

Image Credit: Pinterest

Pinterest is also seasonal. For example, “Christmas ideas” and “Christmas decoration” plans start as early as July. 

According to Pinterest data, Pins with content “specific to seasonal life or everyday moments” drive 10 times higher aided awareness and 22% higher online sales.

This is at a critical juncture of users popping ideas into their heads.

Thinking about a product or searching for a product is one thing (consideration stage); seeing it visually on a Pinterest board suddenly makes ideas a reality.

Happy people, all prepared to make plans -- for great and small moments in their life such as wedding, moving, home decor, you name it -- the possibility of multiple purchases to make plans happen, searchable Pinterest boards, and visual content: If your products are branded as part of life moments when you need inspiration, then Pinterest is the way to go.

To get it all right though, you might have to revisit basics: Creating boards, curating pins on Pinterest, and even creating a Pin is an art form. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the perfect structure for a Pin on Pinterest

Build a Pinterest Sales Funnel For eCommerce 

From a Pinterest board to a Pin, and a Pin to a sale on your eCommerce store? It might happen, or it might not. 

As an eCommerce business owner, you don’t want “might happen” as a part of your Pinterest marketing strategy for eCommerce. 

You’ll do better when you have a structured framework and a more sustainable way to generate leads and sales off of Pinterest. 

With a Pinterest Sales Funnel, you can achieve just that. 

A sales funnel for eCommerce is a strategic way to guide your eCommerce store visitors to a purchase (and then more purchases, leading to a Lifetime Value for each customer). 

Typically, it’ll look like this: 

  • Offer value and inspiration to the viewer - ensure your brand and your products fit into his planning.
  • Offer a store discount (or even a personalized discount for visitors). 
  • Your visitor signs up for the discount (or anything else you might provide for free, in exchange for their email address).
  • You’ll then generate a lead (best accomplished on your site with a pop-up, a landing page, a floating sticky bar, etc.).
  • The new lead is now a part of your marketing system. Send an email or an SMS immediately (offering the discount coupon). You can also use strategies such as cross-selling or upselling at this point. 
  • From within the email sent (where you offer a discount), push your new leads to make a purchase on the store. 
  • Rinse. Repeat. Profit from it. 

Interested in more sales funnels examples for eCommerce? Take a look at 

Further, we have an entire eBook full of detailed sales funnel reviews. Download your copy for free

Already have an existing eCommerce store?

Get a detailed review of your funnel in a video. Armed with a video review, access actionable insights and growth opportunities to help grow your eCommerce business. 

Advanced Pinterest Strategies: Going Beyond Pushing & Huffing

On Pinterest, you’ll start with creating pins and boards. You can also advertise on Pinterest and reach out to several million Pinterest users. From our experience, Pinterest is ideal for remarketing (see below); much more than advertising to cold traffic. 

You can launch Pinterest advertising campaigns involving Pinterest shopping ads and Personalized Collection Ads. 

The idea is to make advertising work in a way that gets you direct traffic from hot leads: from Pinterest to your eCommerce store. 

Or to generate leads on Pinterest, and even make substantial sales by using effective sales funnels designed to strengthen and substantiate your eCommerce marketing strategy. 

That, however, is just the starting point. As mentioned before, Pinterest has this great potential of retargeting for your business.

Why retargeting, you ask? 

More than 90% of all your visitors leave without taking any action on your store. As far as retargeting is concerned, there are several advanced ways you can use to layer up your strategy to push eCommerce sales. 

Using Audience Targeting on Pinterest, for instance, you can build specific audiences that you could advertise to: 

  • Basic audiences including (but not limited to) your site visitors (or visitors to specific pages on your site. 
  • List(s) of previous customers
  • Audiences based on engagement percentage of videos watched, Pinterest board categories interested in, types of actions users take (such as commenting on your Pin), and more. 
  • Actalike audiences (completely new sets of audiences on Pinterest who are similar to your existing set of audiences (such as your previous customers)). 
Image Credit: Pinterest

Using the Audience targeting on Pinterest, as an example, you could launch:

Retargeting campaigns: Send out dedicated (and parallel) campaigns to only those audiences that have visited your eCommerce store, engaged with your pins, watched your videos, or those that follow your Pinterest boards (or those that follow specific Pinterest boards created around a product category on your store). 

Dynamic Retargeting Campaigns: By using your store catalog, you can target your previous store visitors with dynamic Pinterest ads showing the items they were interested in. Or, you could use dynamic retargeting campaigns to sell similar products that your existing customers might like to purchase. 

Shopping cart abandonment campaigns: Roll out campaigns (with email or with display ads across the web) to audiences that add items to their shopping carts on your eCommerce store but leave without completing the transaction. 

These specific Pinterest campaigns can further tighten the noose around your eCommerce sales and marketing strategy. 

How are you going to use Pinterest for your eCommerce marketing? How do you intend to use the power of a visually inclined, shopping-happy community on Pinterest and align that with your strategic eCommerce goals? 

Tell us all about it. 

At La Hutte [], we are dedicated to helping eCommerce stores on Shopify grow. 

We help with eCommerce store creation on Shopify, conversion optimization, custom paid ads strategy for your online store, sales funnels creation, and analytics. 

Take a look at our growth marketing for Shopify services, especially for eCommerce services

How do you intend to use Pinterest to grow your eCommerce store? 

Tell us all about it. 

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Get more visibility for your brand on Pinterest

Pinterest is the ultimate visual search engine.

Up your Pinterest game.

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